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there will be blood造句

"there will be blood"是什么意思  
  • Oh , yes . there will be blood
  • " and the oscar goes to daniel day - lewis and there will be blood , " she said
    “最佳男主角的获奖者是《未血绸谬》的丹尼尔.刘易斯。 ”
  • In film there will be blood , daniel day - lewis plays a ruthless california oilman who will stop at nothing to achieve wealth and power
  • Leading the nominations this morning were critics ' favorites no country for old men and there will be blood , both of which nabbed eight nods each , including one apiece for best picture
    领跑提名的是评论家们最爱的《老无所依》和《未血绸缪》 ,各拿到八项提名,包括最佳影片的提名。
  • It's difficult to see there will be blood in a sentence. 用there will be blood造句挺难的
如何用there will be blood造句,用there will be blood造句there will be blood in a sentence, 用there will be blood造句和there will be blood的例句由查查汉语词典提供,版权所有违者必究。